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Laravel Localization Made Easy with mcamara /laravel-localization

Laravel is a powerful and flexible PHP web framework that makes building complex applications simpler and more efficient. One of Laravel's many capabilities is built-in support for localization, allowing developers to easily provide multilingual content to their users. However, while Laravel's localization features are robust, getting them fully configured and integrated into your application can be tedious and time-consuming.

Thankfully, the open-source mcamara/laravel-localization package is designed to streamline the process of implementing localization in Laravel applications. This package provides a comprehensive set of tools to enable locale detection and URL localization while also simplifying the loading and management of translation files.

In this article, we'll explore the mcamara/laravel-localization package in depth, covering installation, configuration, the core features it offers, and practical examples to illustrate implementing localization in a Laravel application.

Installing the Package

The first step to using the mcamara/laravel-localization package is to install it in your Laravel application via Composer:

composer require mcamara/laravel-localization

Once the installation is complete, you'll need to register the package's service provider in your application. Open the config/app.php file and add the following line to the 'providers' array:

'providers' => [

Next, you'll want to publish the package's configuration file, which provides various options for customizing the behavior of the package. Run the following command to publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mcamara\LaravelLocalization\LaravelLocalizationServiceProvider"

This command will create a new file at config/laravellocalization.php, where you can modify the package's settings to suit your application's needs.

Configuring Supported Locales

One of the first things you'll want to do in the configuration file is define the locales that your application will support. The 'supportedLocales' option in the configuration file is an array where you can list the locale codes for the languages you wish to enable.

'supportedLocales' => ['en', 'fr', 'es']

In this example, we've specified that the application will support English (en), French (fr), and Spanish (es) locales. You can add or remove locale codes from this array based on the languages you need to support.


Setting the Current Locale

With the supported locales defined, the next step is to configure your application to detect and set the current locale for each incoming request. The mcamara/laravel-localization package provides a middleware called 'setLocale' that handles this task for you.

To enable the setLocale middleware, you'll need to apply it to a route group that encompasses the routes you want to be localized. The following example demonstrates how to set up the middleware:

   'prefix' => LaravelLocalization::setLocale(),
   'middleware' => ['localeSessionRedirect', 'localizationRedirect', 'localeViewPath']
], function () {
   // Routes here will have locale prefixed URLs 

In this code snippet, we're defining a route group that will have a dynamic prefix based on the current locale. The setLocale() method determines the appropriate locale based on several factors, such as the user's session, cookie, or browser settings, and prepends it to the URL.

The 'localeSessionRedirect', 'localizationRedirect', and 'localeViewPath' middlewares provided by the package handle various aspects of locale management, such as redirecting users to the correct localized URL, ensuring that views are loaded from the appropriate language directory, and more.

By applying these middlewares to the route group, you ensure that all routes within the group will have their URLs prefixed with the current locale (e.g., vs., and that views, translations, and other locale-specific resources are loaded correctly.


Managing Translation Files

With the package installed and the supported locales configured, you can now start working on providing translations for your application's content. The mcamara/laravel-localization package follows Laravel's standard approach to handling translation files, with translations stored in the resources/lang directory of your application.

Within the resources/lang directory, you'll create subdirectories for each supported locale, and within each locale directory, you'll create PHP files containing your translation strings. For example, if you have a file called messages.php in your resources/lang/en directory, it might contain the following translations:

 'Welcome to our site!',
   'logout' => 'Logout'

For the French translations, you would create a corresponding file at resources/lang/fr/messages.php:

 'Bienvenue sur notre site!',
   'logout' => 'Déconnexion'

With these translation files in place, you can use Laravel's standard translation helpers, such as __() and @lang(), to display the appropriate translations based on the current locale:

// Outputs "Welcome to our site!" if the current locale is English
{{ __('messages.welcome') }}
// Outputs "Bienvenue sur notre site!" if the current locale is French
{{ __('messages.welcome') }}

The mcamara/laravel-localization package will automatically load the correct translation file based on the current locale, ensuring that your application displays the appropriate content for each user.


Advanced Configuration Options

While the basic setup and usage of the mcamara/laravel-localization package are relatively straightforward, the package offers a wide range of configuration options to fine-tune its behavior to match your application's needs.

For example, the 'hideDefaultLocaleInURL' option allows you to control whether the default locale should be included in the URL or not. If set to true, URLs for the default locale will not include the locale code (e.g., instead of

The 'localesOrder' option lets you specify the order in which locales should be displayed in language switchers or other UI elements, while the 'localesMapping' option allows you to map locale codes to more user-friendly names that can be used in the application's interface.

The package also supports various options for customizing the middleware behavior, such as 'useAcceptLanguageHeader' and 'negotiateLanguageWithClient', which control how the package determines the user's preferred locale based on browser settings.

Additionally, the configuration file includes options for customizing the package's caching behavior, enabling or disabling URL segments, and more. By exploring and tweaking these configuration options, you can fine-tune the package's behavior to match your specific application's requirements.


Real-World Example: Building a Localized User Dashboard

To illustrate the practical application of the mcamara/laravel-localization package, let's walk through a real-world example of building a localized user dashboard in a Laravel application.

Imagine you're building a web application that allows users to manage their personal profiles and settings. You want to provide a localized user dashboard that displays the user's information in their preferred language, which could be English, French, or Spanish.

First, let's set up the routes for the user dashboard. We'll create a route group that applies the setLocale middleware and includes the user dashboard routes:

   'prefix' => LaravelLocalization::setLocale(),
   'middleware' => ['localeSessionRedirect', 'localizationRedirect', 'localeViewPath']
], function () {
   Route::get('/dashboard', 'UserController@showDashboard')->name('dashboard');


Next, we'll create the UserController and define the showDashboard method, which will retrieve the user's information and pass it to the view:

class UserController extends Controller
   public function showDashboard()
       $user = Auth::user();
       return view('dashboard', ['user' => $user]);

Now, let's create the dashboard view at resources/views/dashboard.blade.php. This view will display the user's name, email, and other relevant information:

   <div class="container">
       <div class="row">
           <div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">
               <div class="card">
                   <div class="card-header">{{ __('user.dashboard') }}</div>
                   <div class="card-body">
                       <div class="form-group">
                           <label for="name">{{ __('') }}</label>
                           <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" value="{{ $user->name }}" disabled>
                       <div class="form-group">
                           <label for="email">{{ __('') }}</label>
                           <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" value="{{ $user->email }}" disabled>
                       <!-- Add more user information fields as needed -->

In this view, we're using Laravel's standard __() helper to display translated labels for the various user information fields. To provide translations for these labels, we'll create translation files in our resources/lang directory.

First, let's create the English translation file at resources/lang/en/user.php:

 'User Dashboard',
   'name' => 'Name',
   'email' => 'Email Address',


Then, we'll create the French translation file at resources/lang/fr/user.php:

 'Tableau de bord de l\'utilisateur',
   'name' => 'Nom',
   'email' => 'Adresse e-mail',

And finally, the Spanish translation file at resources/lang/es/user.php:

 'Panel de control del usuario',
   'name' => 'Nombre',
   'email' => 'Dirección de correo electrónico',

With these translation files in place, the mcamara/laravel-localization package will automatically load the appropriate translations based on the current locale. If the user's preferred language is English, they will see the English translations. If it's French, they'll see the French translations, and so on.

You can further enhance the user dashboard by providing language switchers or other UI elements that allow users to change their preferred locale. The package's configuration options and middleware make it easy to handle locale changes and ensure that the application displays the correct content for the selected language.

This example demonstrates how the mcamara/laravel-localization package simplifies the process of building localized user interfaces in Laravel applications. By handling locale detection, URL prefixing, and translation file loading, the package enables developers to focus on creating great multilingual content rather than wrestling with the complexities of localization setup.


Laravel's built-in localization features provide a solid foundation for creating multilingual web applications. However, setting up and configuring localization can be time-consuming and prone to errors. The mcamara/laravel-localization package aims to solve this problem by offering a comprehensive set of tools and utilities that streamline the localization process.

By handling tasks like locale detection, URL prefixing, and translation file management, the package allows developers to focus on creating high-quality, localized content for their applications. With its extensive configuration options and support for advanced features, the mcamara/laravel-localization package is a powerful tool in any Laravel developer's arsenal.

Whether you're building a simple website or a complex, enterprise-level application, the mcamara/laravel-localization package can help you quickly and efficiently implement localization, enabling you to reach a global audience and provide a seamless, localized experience for users worldwide.

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